
Malbaie V-Le Phare

Located in La Malbaie, in the magnificent Charlevoix region, the Malbaie V residence known as “Le Phare” is part of the Terrasses Cap-à-l’Aigle project. This unique mountainside residential development offers breathtaking views of the Malbaie, the river and the surrounding mountains.

It is a simple and readable set of cubic shapes that fit together and seem to emerge from the mountain. A main volume rises and projects towards the river. It is supported by a second volume that is firmly rooted. The house is entirely covered with a green roof which contributes greatly to its integration into the landscape and acts as an insulating layer while reducing heat accumulation in the summer. The cladding materials and their contrast reinforce the connection between the volumes and promote harmony with nature.






READ MORE: http: //architecture-mu.com/?project=malbaie-v-2